- 'Backbone' Liner Notes | Shore Fire Media


Release date: May 5, 2015
Author: David H. Wagner

For Immediate Release:

New Book Brings Self-Help Revolution to Men

David H Wagner is a Man with a Mission

Wagner is a motorcyle-riding, barbeque-eating, all-American dad who also happens to be a 20-year veteran spiritual teacher and meditation master. In his debut book, Backbone, he sets his aim on men. Backbone a transformational self-help book written in straightforward language that any man can read and relate to. It covers everything from men’s relationships with their father, to violence, sex, and the pursuit of a deeply conscious life.


A Revolution for Men

“There are plenty of resources for women who want to transform themselves: yoga, meditation, countless self-help books. Most of the new-age, self-help movement is for women or for men who are already “open”. For most men, regular men, there’s nothing. Men don’t have an Oprah or a Gabby Bernstein. But it’s not that they don’t need help. Too many men today are suffering in big and small ways. I want to help all kinds of men to be happier and live better more satisfying lives, but I want to help them in a way that they can relate to. This book is the first thrust of a whole movement that is going to change the lives of millions of men.”

--David H Wagner


“David Wagner is a transformational teacher and dedicated leader, on a committed path of service, guiding others to awaken to their inner wisdom and authentic power."

--Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author of Miracles Now


“Modern men have lost their backbone. This book is about helping men to really know themselves and know what they want in life, and then help them to craft themselves into the men they need to be to get what they want. When a man finds

his backbone, he gets his power back and he knows how to handle his power in an intelligent masculine way. When good men step into their power, everyone around them benefits”

--David H Wagner


"Most men are allergic to the big conversations around purpose, passion, and power because, well, they’re usually boring or too far ‘out there’. David is one of the rare men on this Earth who has the brains, heart, and balls to go deep without

losing his sense of humor. He’s a modern teacher for wisdom of the ages."

--Tripp Lanier, International Men's Coach and Host of The New Man Podcast


Good News For Conscious Women

Part of Wagner’s inspiration for his mens work comes from decades of working with women and hearing their complaints about they male counterparts who lagged behind them when it came to their inner life.

“Women are way ahead of us. They want us to match them, they are tired of being the “conscious one” in the relationship. They want men who can make a decision, who have their balls intact, but who also know how to access their hearts and their wisdom.”

--David H Wagner



You deserve the best of life.

And your life deserves the best of you.

What does it mean to be a powerful happy man in today’s world? What does it take for a man to know himself, know his mission in life, and live a life of strength, honor, and wisdom?

Learning to be a good man used to be part of our culture; sons learned from fathers, nephews learned from uncles, apprentices learned from masters. But today this rarely happens. Modern men have to figure it out by themselves. Backbone is a practical, step-by-step guide to help men know themselves deeply, root out weaknesses, enhance strengths, and upgrade their experience of life.


Backbone combines no-nonsense wisdom with brutally honest exercises to help men to:

• find their purpose and be on track with their vision

• access and hone their spiritual and emotional intelligence

• get free from unhelpful beliefs, patterns, and habits

• live an amazing, powerful, passion-filled life.


About David H Wagner

David has been teaching meditation and self-empowerment to people all over the world in all kinds of venues since 1994. Classically trained in the Indian wisdom traditions of Yoga, Bhakti, Vedanta, and Tantric Shaivism, his teachings come from his decades of personal transformation and his experience serving others to find their authentic path to deep happiness. David serves on the faculties of Yogaglo.com, Kripalu, and Omega Institutes, and travels widely working with people from all walks of life. His teaching style is bold, dynamic, and unique, approachable to students from all walks of life. Most recently, David has taken on the mission of serving the transformational needs of men. He is the author of BACKBONE – the Modern Man’s Ultimate Guide to Purpose Passion and Power. David currently splits his time between his family home in Ojai, California and New York City.