Calendar 2023 SeptemberSay She She/ ‘Silver’/ Karma Chief Records

Say She She/ ‘Silver’/ Karma Chief Records
In what continues to be a massive breakout year for disco-pop outfit Say She She, the group just announced that they will release their sophomore album Silver on September 29, 2023 on Karma Chief Records — 16 original sounds packed with discodelic funk and show stopping three part harmonies that sound like nothing else you’ve heard.
Silver is a showcase for Sabrina Cunningham’s classically trained vocal, Nya Gazelle Brown’s whistle tones, and Piya Malik’s smooth, funky voice influenced by years as an El Michels Affair staple feature and former backing singer for Chicano Batman. The trio’s voices combine to form feverish, operatic, and entirely mesmerizing harmonies that capture the ecstasy of disco — evoking a distinct Studio 54 era nostalgia while imbuing political grit and global influences to create a sound and energy that is entirely their own.