Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates “The U.S. Drone Program Is Fatally Flawed” At Kaufman Center, Sept | Shore Fire Media

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21 August, 2013Print

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates "The U.S. Drone Program Is Fatally Flawed" At Kaufman Center, September 10th

Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US)--the provocative NPR series that champions the art of debate, critical thinking and intelligent discussion--has assembled a world-renowned panel of international affairs authorities for its 77th debate, which will open its Fall 2013 season in New York. These top thinkers will debate one of the cornerstones of the United States' counterterrorism efforts on September 10th, debating the motion called "The US. Drone Program is Fatally Flawed." 

Remotely piloted aircraft, or drones, have been the centerpiece of America's counterterrorism toolkit since the start of the Obama presidency, and the benefits have been clear. Their use has significantly weakened al Qaeda and the Taliban while keeping American troops out of harm's way. But critics of drone strikes argue that the short-term gains do not outweigh the long-term consequences--among them, radicalization of a public outraged over civilian deaths. Is our drone program hurting, or helping, in the fight against terrorism?

Pakistan-based journalist and author of Taliban, Ahmed Rashid, along with former State Department Political Adviser to Marine Units, John Kael Weston will argue in support of the motion. Former Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, with former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, General Norton Schwartz will argue against the motion. 

WHAT: Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates "The U.S. Drone Program is Fatally Flawed."
WHEN: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 / Reception 5:45-6:30 / Debate 6:45-8:30 PM
WHERE: Kaufman Center/129 W. 67th Street (bet. Broadway and Amsterdam)/New York, NY 10023
TICKETS: $40 ($12 for students w/ID). To purchase, visit

The debate will take place in front of a live audience at Kaufman Center in New York City. Before the debate, audience members will vote on the motion; afterward, the audience votes again. The team that moves the most voters to its side will be the winning team in this provocative debate.

Image by Thomas James

Winner of the 2013 Silver Radio Award for Best Public Affairs Program and named one of "Five Podcasts that Will Change the Way You Think" by Forbes Intelligence Squared U.S. was founded in New York City in 2006 by Robert Rosenkranz, and has grown into an internationally syndicated series heard and watched by millions. The debates have attracted some of the world's top thinkers including Paul Krugman, Karl Rove, Malcolm Gladwell, Alan Dershowitz, Peter Thiel and Arianna Huffington. Intelligence Squared U.S. has presented over 75 debates on a wide range of provocative topics including global warming, genetically engineered babies, science refuting God, and legalizing drugs. ABC News correspondent John Donvan is the moderator, and the executive producer is Dana Wolfe.
For more information on Intelligence Squared U.S., please contact Andrea Bussell (, Rebecca Shapiro ( or Mark Satlof ( at Shore Fire Media, 718.522.7171.