Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates “The U.S. Has No Dog in the Fight in Syria,” August 9th in Aspen | Shore Fire Media

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24 July, 2013Print

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates "The U.S. Has No Dog in the Fight in Syria," August 9th in Aspen

On Friday, August 9th, Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) returns to Aspen, CO to present a debate with the Aspen Strategy Group: "The U.S. Has No Dog in the Fight in Syria." There are no good options and many reasons not to intervene in Syria: Assad's powerful allies, the public's aversion to another war, and wariness over an opposition army that includes Islamic extremists. Holding back means ignoring a growing humanitarian crisis, where the number dead have topped 100,000. Discovery of Assad's use of chemical weapons prompted President Obama to approve the delivery of small arms and ammunition to rebel forces. But does this call for more assertive policy from the administration, or would direct intervention hurt our strategic interests?

Richard Falkenrath, Deputy Assistant to President Bush and former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, will argue in support of the motion with Graham Allison, Director of Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans. Sir Nigel Sheinwald, a former British Ambassador to the U.S. who served as Foreign Policy and Defence Adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair, will argue against the motion with R. Nicholas Burns, former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

Intelligence Squared U.S. debates are streamed live on and available as a podcast. Regularly recorded for NPR and PBS in New York City, and heard on more than 220 NPR stations nationwide, this special Aspen edition is part of the series' mission to raise the level of public discourse in the United States and beyond. Additional debates have recently taken place in Chicago and Washington DC.

WHAT: "The U.S. Has No Dog in the Fight in Syria"
WHEN: Friday, August 9, 2013 / Debate 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
WHERE: Paepcke Auditorium at The Aspen Institute, 1000 N. Third St., Aspen, CO, 81612

Before the debate, audience members will vote on the motion; afterward, the audience votes again. The team that moves the most voters to its side will be the winning team in this provocative debate.


Named One of "Five Podcasts that Will Change the Way You Think" by Forbes, Intelligence Squared U.S. was founded in New York City in 2006 by Robert Rosenkranz, and has grown into an internationally syndicated series heard and watched by millions. The debates have attracted some of the world's top thinkers including Paul Krugman, Karl Rove, Malcolm Gladwell, Alan Dershowitz, Peter Thiel and Arianna Huffington. Intelligence Squared U.S. has presented over 70 debates on a wide range of provocative topics including global warming, the financial crisis, the marketing of organic foods, and the death of mainstream media. ABC News correspondent John Donvan is the moderator, and the executive producer is Dana Wolfe.