Berhana Releases “Soul-infused Trip” (Billboard), New Single “Lucky Strike” | Shore Fire Media

10 September, 2019Print

Berhana Releases “Soul-infused Trip” (Billboard), New Single “Lucky Strike”

Berhana Releases "Soul-infused Trip" (Billboard), New Single "Lucky Strike"

Today, Berhana releases new single "Lucky Strike." The song that Billboard calls "a soul-infused trip, combining the heart of Frank Ocean's lyrics with the echoey, psychedelic sound of Tame Impala" is a layered storm driven by drums and electric bass, exploring a complex love affair.

Listen/ share "Lucky Strike" here:

"Lucky Strike" comes on the heels of the release of lead single "Health Food."COMPLEX notes the track and its Lynchian video as a swirl of "psychedelia, disco, and funk influences." Berhana's upcoming body of work holds true to this, delivering a solid collection of fast-paced walls of sound and reflections of desire from one of the genre's most exciting rising artists.

Watch/ share “Health Food” here: