Cheetah Chrome – Bio | Shore Fire Media

14 May, 2012Print

Cheetah Chrome – Bio

Grew up: Cleveland, Ohio

Background in music: I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and knew that I wanted to do what they did. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time when music was able to shake the world, and I’d like to see that time come again.

Title at Plowboy Records: Creative Director of A&R /Director of Special Projects

Musical Influences: Too many to name them all, but The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Stooges, MC5 and Alice Cooper were some big ones; and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band holds a special place in my heart.

Plowboy Records' mission statement: First and foremost, our mission is to keep the musical legacy of Eddy Arnold before the public, and to introduce him to new generations of fans. We also want to find new talent and get some new music out there, and not necessarily Country music. We plan to do some unexpected things….

Favorite record label(s): I love Smog Veil Records out of Chicago; they’re one of the most artist friendly labels around. I have a relationship going back to 2003 with them, and I’ve put some of my best music out through them. Get Hip Records out of Pittsburgh has done some good things.

Favorite Eddy Arnold song or performance: I really love “That Do Make It Nice,” it’s just such a great performance. And “Across the Wide Missouri ” is great too. The man truly had one of the great voices of his time, or any other.

Is this your first job on the industry side of the business?
Yes, and it’s also my first involvement with Country music. Being involved with something that doesn’t revolve around me as a musician is a very nice change. After 30 odd years as a musician, I’m especially well versed in what NOT to do.