Emtrain to Unveil Findings from 2020 Workplace Culture Report Tomorrow at From Day One Los Angeles | Shore Fire Media

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10 December, 2019Print

Emtrain to Unveil Findings from 2020 Workplace Culture Report Tomorrow at From Day One Los Angeles

Two million data points from 30,000 employees reveal the behaviors that contribute to healthy workplaces, and to crises

Tomorrow, workplace culture platform Emtrain will unveil early findings of their 2020 Workplace Culture Report at the From Day One corporate values conference in Los Angeles.

The report identifies a set of common social dynamics at play in workplaces that can lead to unhealthy environments, harassment, bias, and ethical mishaps if not dealt with effectively. Janine Yancey, Emtrain’s CEO and Founder, will present her team’s analysis of over two million data points from 30,000 employees about the individual employee experience and the range of company cultures they encounter. The report will show how some metrics predict healthy and unhealthy workplace cultures. 

She will also explain Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™ (below), a diagnostic tool that creates a common language and a way to assess workplace behavior.

Some perception metrics include:

  • Tribalism (us v. them) and power disparity issues create the highest number of conflicts across all respondents
  • 46% of respondents say it would take 1-2 "Yellow" incidents/week for them to disengage/spin out (defined by Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™, below)
  • The highest rated workplace cultures have managers who understand the implications of power disparity and its impact


The report also presents a foundational set of dynamics around respect, inclusion, and ethics that lead to a workplace culture more resistant to bad outcome, and, when issues do arise, enables organizations to address these issues systematically and ‘appropriately.’  

The opposite of respect, inclusion and ethics are harassment, bias, and ethical mishaps. The social dynamics that lead to these bad outcomes have historically been opaque to company leaders until they reach crisis level. Legal concerns have kept companies from quantifying these underlying issues, but with modern technology and a data-driven approach, the Emtrain report makes the opaque visible and reveals the situational dynamics that can undermine the best efforts to build healthy workplace cultures. Providing this information to companies can help them better identify and address problematic behavioral dynamics well before they become bad outcomes that affect society, organizations and employees.

The From Day One Los Angeles conference will feature sessions and panels alongside “Decoding and Curing Tricky Culture Issues” that feature diversity and inclusion, HR, and talent development leaders from CAA, Netflix, UCLA, USC, Live Nation, Novartis, and more. More information and a complete schedule is here: https://www.fromdayone.co/conferences/losangeles19/


About From Day One

Based in Brooklyn, From Day One is a national conference series and journalism platform focused on innovative ways for companies to forge stronger relationships with their employees, customers, and community. At a time when society holds businesses to a rising level of accountability, From Day One explores how companies can build well-grounded values into their business — diversity, responsibility, transparency — and stick with them in an economy driven by disruption. What's unique about From Day One is its cross-disciplinary approach, bringing together executives from the fields of corporate social responsibility, human resources, marketing, and communications. From Day One was founded by veteran events executive Erin Sauter, digital strategist Nick Baily, and journalist and former TIME and Fortune editor Steve Koepp.


About Emtrain

Emtrain’s workplace culture platform reinvents compliance training with provocative content that sparks dialogue and unique culture analytics that drive individual and organizational behavior change. Emtrain.ai allows you to benchmark your culture against our global community to identify issues before they become toxic problems that become compliance issues and destroy culture. Emtrain partners with industry experts and uses current events to teach on topics such as sexual harassment, unconscious bias, and ethics. Emtrain’s innovative platform is used by more than 800 culture-focused companies, such as Netflix, Yelp, Dolby, LiveNation, and others. Emtrain is a woman-owned and women-led company.


Emtrain’s Workplace Color Spectrum™