Maria Rodale Organic Pioneer Study | Shore Fire Media

1 June, 2016Print

Maria Rodale Organic Pioneer Study

The organic food market took form early in the 1900’s, while pioneers such as the Rodale family led the organic farming movement post-World War II. Maria Rodale, CEO and Chairman of Rodale Inc. (the largest independent, family-owned publisher) was raised on one of the first organic farms in America and carries the torch as an organic advocate. She authored the highly regarded ‘Organic Manifesto (2010),’ and promotes organic lifestyle as a business leader.

It's no surprise that a study released this week predicts the global organic food and beverage market size is projected to reach $211.44 billion by 2020 (Grand View Research, Inc.). In addition sales are up, the U.S. organic industry posted new records in 2015, with total organic product sales topping $43.3 billion, up 11 percent from the previous year and far outpacing the overall food market's growth rate of 3 percent (according to the Organic Trade Association's (OTA) 2016 Organic Industry Survey). The findings attribute the growth to the popularity and benefits of organic products. A popularity that has created supply issues for the organic market.

How will supply meet demand? Here are some tips on how to create your own supply- read tips and recipes from Maria Rodale blog at