16 September, 2014Print

"My Breast Cancer Journey" Debuts in Sept as First Personalized and Networked Support App for Cancer Patients
Launching this month, "My Breast Cancer Journey" marks the first in a series of apps from CancerJourneyApps to support the clinical, social and emotional needs of people diagnosed with cancer. The apps will be available on iOS and Android and are the first of their kind to provide accurate, easy-to-understand information on various diagnoses as well as organizational tools to help track the user's progress in their battle against cancer. The apps will also allow users to create and engage with a selected network of loved ones in a manner that to date has not been possible.
CancerJourneyApps chose to launch the "My Breast Cancer Journey" app first because it is the most prolific form of cancer affecting women worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society, one-in-eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, making the app a valuable tool to many. Here's how it works:
Track progress in real time – "My Breast Cancer Journey" will help people quantify the transition from one phase of treatment and recovery to the next. By updating the app with medical test results and self-health assessments, users can watch as the Journey Status is updated in real time, from suspicion, to diagnosis, through treatment and finally in surveillance.
Keep a To-Do List - The app creates a personal to-do list for each user to guide them along their journey, serving as a reminder to update medical tests, undertake self-health assessments and share content with invited friends and family. "My Breast Cancer Journey" also allows the option to submit personal data to clinical trials and participate in clinical research.
Receive Personal and Public Support – Using the real time progress tracker and individual profile information, the app provides personalized educational literature from trusted sources - including the National Cancer Institute – to users at just the right time during their journey. "My Breast Cancer Journey" also lets users securely and privately share their educational updates with an invited network of friends and family. Each person can determine what content is shared with which individuals in the network – giving the person total control over who sees what information.
Founder John Papandrea arrived at the idea for CancerJourneyApps after a 20+ year career in the healthcare industry where he became acutely aware of the need for a solution to address the confusion and frustration that often follows a cancer diagnosis. To help bring the app to life, Papandrea enlisted Aradhana Ghosh MD, an experienced Medical Oncologist as an advisor on the clinical and journey aspects and Eric Zothner, a seasoned Healthcare IT professional with 20+ years of Healthcare and Innovative technology experience to consult on the technical aspects of CancerJourneyApps.
CancerJourneyApps is a property of Willowglade Technologies, a leading healthcare IT company providing the Personalized Patient Experience™.
Read more about CancerJourneyApps in this article from re/code: http://shorefi.re/1oQdzMn
About CancerJourneyApps
CancerJourneyApps is a new series of apps from Willowglade Technologies to support people who are battling cancer and help them cope with the unique clinical and emotional challenges of understanding their specific diagnosis and treatment. CancerJourneyApps makes it easy to find accurate, understandable and relevant information. It also provides a fully customized experience that includes self-care programs, individualized education and an integrated personal support network.

For more information on CancerJourneyApps, please contact Elizabeth Lutz (elutz@shorefire.com), Rebecca Shapiro (rshapiro@shorefire.com) or Dani Frank (dfrank@shorefire.com) at Shore Fire Media, 718.522.7171.