Qobuz Partners With Indie Record Stores For RSD: “Boutique In A Superstore World” Approach Goes IRL | Shore Fire Media

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18 April, 2022Print

Qobuz Partners With Indie Record Stores For RSD: "Boutique In A Superstore World" Approach Goes IRL

Qobuz, the Hi-Res streaming and download platform known for its "boutique in a superstore world" approach, is saluting Record Store Day this April by partnering with independent record stores across the country. Each of the participating shops has curated a special playlist that represents its unique vibe, staff, and history, and each will be featured on the Qobuz discover homepage and in an upcoming article celebrating RSD and the vinyl community. The stores include: Goner Records (Memphis, TN), End of All Music (Oxford, MS), Grimey's (Nashville, TN), LUNA (Indianapolis, IN), Park Avenue (Orlando, FL), and Turntable Lab (NYC).

Rolling Stone once said that "finding new music on Qobuz is a bit like visiting a record shop, hearing from the owner and just listening to albums," and that eclectic, human-curated approach has differentiated it from the pack since day one. With its emphasis on editorial content, digital liner notes not found anywhere else in the streaming world, and attention to the kinds of artists and genres that the "big guys" overlook, Qobuz shares the same ethos as the independent record stores it's teaming up with: great music, and making the experience of listening to great music the best it can be, are what come first.

And, in addition to this partnership for RSD, they've been increasingly taking their approach to the streets. Qobuz is once again sponsoring "Paved Paradise" the traveling record fair put on by Secretly Group, and last month, they put on one of the most critically acclaimed showcases at SXSW, featuring Circuit des Yeux, Moor Mother, Claire Rousay, and Marina Herlop.