8 December, 2015Print

Susan G. Komen Names Chuck Wicks One Of "Pink Tie Guys 2016"
Chuck Wicks -- recording artist and co-host of nationally syndicated "America's Morning Show with Blair Garner"-- was selected as one of Susan G. Komen's "Pink Tie Guys" Class of 2016.
"To be selected as a 'Pink Tie Guy' is nothing short of an honor," shares Wicks. "To be among a group of gentleman -- all with the same goal and purpose -- is a great thing that can only bring hope, promise and faith that one day together we can and will beat cancer."
Wicks joins nine other gentlemen representing a cross section of athletes, doctors, celebrities and leaders from corporate and philanthropic sectors in and around the Greater Nashville area. Each of this year's honorees has a personal connection to breast cancer and works tirelessly to help find a cure. Chuck was selected after he raised more than $5,000 for Susan G. Komen through a "Pull Up Challenge" on "America's Monrning Show."
"Blair Garner saw Mark Wahlberg do 22 pull-ups in 30 seconds on 'Ellen' the day prior and challenged me -- on the air -- to beat Mark's record. The next day I brought a pull-up bar into the studio and, with the help of listeners across the country, we raised $5,000 by doing 28 pull-ups in 30 seconds. Yeah, I beat Mark Wahlburg, but who's counting? It was all for a great cause."
The 2016 "Pink Tie Guys" will be recognized at the "Pink Tie Party" in Nashville on Thurs., Feb. 25, the day before Chuck releases his sophomore album 'Turning Point.' The evening will include dinner, cocktails, a silent auction and more.
For more information on 'Turning Point,' Chuck's upcoming tour dates, and "America's Morning Show," visit chuckwicks.com.
Follow Chuck Wicks at:
Official Website: chuckwicks.com
Facebook: facebook.com/chuckwicks
Twitter: twitter.com/chuckwicksmusic
Instagram: instagram.com/chuckwicks
YouTube: youtube.com/user/chuckwicksmusic
For more information, please contact Jackie Marushka (jmarushka@shorefire.com) or Andrea Evenson (aevenson@shorefire.com) at Shore Fire Media, 615.280.5330