19 October, 2022Print

UNI and the Urchins welcome you to “Subhuman Suburbia”
Heat up your favorite TV dinner, wipe off your smeared drug store mascara and put on a rerun of Forensic Files: UNI and the Urchins welcome you today to "Subhuman Suburbia."
Watch/listen to the latest song and music video from the NYC rock and roll trio HERE.
Check out the premiere at Purple Magazine HERE.
Directed by bassist Charlotte Kemp Muhl, the black-and-white 16mm video takes viewers through a distorted, claustrophobic pastiche of cultural touchstones - the chain smoking nuns behind the school, old-school freak-show portraits and ominous skylines- that evoke the lurking seediness of supposedly "normal" Middle America.
If you've ever been the weirdo in a small town (like frontman Jack James, Kemp and guitarist David Strange all have), the glam-rock, psychedelic drama of "Subhuman Suburbia" is for you.
More music and videos from UNI and the Urchins' debut album Simulator (1/13/23, Chimera Music) soon to come!