Louis Armstrong House MuseumClient Information
16 August, 2017Print

"What A Wonderful World" celebrates 50
"In an earlier age when violence and rancor and fears for the future crimped spirits of even the sunniest optimist, brilliant talents set out to craft a musical antidote," says the New York Daily News on Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World."
Today marks the 50th anniversary of when the jazz giant recorded the iconic 2 minute and 21 second song, a song that still serves as medicine for turbulent times.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/satchmo-rescue-50-years-day-wonderful-world-article-1.3414816
To honor this anniversary, the Louis Armstrong House Museum will host a limited exhibit, "50 Years of ‘What A Wonderful World,'" now open to the public. On display will be Armstrong's trumpet from the original arrangement, rare photos from the original 1967 recording date, albums, sheet music, news clippings and much more.