Shore Fire Media

AgAmerica Partners with Dillon Carmichael to bring Agriculture to Center Stage Through Country Music

AgAmbassador, Dillon Carmichael, visits AgAmerica

AgAmerica Lending LLC ("AgAmerica"), one of the nation's leading agricultural land lenders and the first commercial mortgage REIT within U.S. agriculture, is blazing a new path across Nashville's country music scene to shine a spotlight on the people, places, and music that make up the fabric of our nation. As part of this journey, AgAmerica took part as a sponsor for Jared & Mary's CMA Fest Game Night to raise awareness and support for the Catch a Dream Foundation, which aims to provide once-in-a-lifetime hunting and fishing experiences to children who face a life-threatening illness.

Agriculture is the Backbone of This Nation.

Country Music is its Heartbeat.

At the heart of agriculture and country music is the American people. Country music is a powerful vessel that tells the stories of people and places that make up the fabric of rural America. Many country musicians like AgAmbassador Dillon Carmichael, grew up in agricultural communities and are rooted in the rural lifestyle that shaped them into the people they are today.

As a champion for the future of American agriculture, AgAmerica's goal for the AgAmbassador Program is simple — celebrate rural America and give back to the communities that are developing tomorrow’s leaders in agriculture.

"We want to work with musicians who love our mission as much as we do," says AgAmerica's Director of Business Development Pat Spinosa. "Musicians like Dillon Carmichael are the real deal when it comes to celebrating the rural lifestyle and American agriculture. We’re looking forward to seeing how these partnerships grow."

Building a Network That is Vital to the Future of 

American Agriculture and Rural America

Working with farmers and ranchers across the U.S., AgAmerica has witnessed firsthand the complex challenges farmers face and the weight they carry to support a growing global population. By 2050, the demand for food will be 56 percent higher than it was in 2010. With nearly 98 percent of U.S. farms being family-owned and accounting for 88 percent of total U.S. ag production, the American family farm continues to fuel our nation and the world. 

Even so, the hardworking families and people who make up these rural communities are often left out of the conversation when it comes to building a more resilient supply chain. For this reason, AgAmerica is on a mission to help bring a voice to these underserved communities by partnering with the country music scene to build a network that is vital to the future of American agriculture and rural America as a whole.

"Our job is to provide financial support to farmers across the country so that they can focus on what's really important — feeding our nation," said Brian Philpot, CEO of AgAmerica. "We are proud to be at the forefront of agricultural advocacy, working to continuously expand the way we do business, in order to help farmers achieve financial success."

With the average age of the farmer close to 58-years-old and continuing to rise, celebrations like CMA Fest are the perfect vehicles to help inspire, connect, and develop future farmers. AgAmerica is proud to play a role in this year’s CMA Fest and give back to this essential community. 

For more information on AgAmerica’s AgAmbassador Program and partnership with Dillon Carmichael visit


For more information on Dillon Carmichael, please contact:

Jaclyn D. Carter |

Lexi Cothran |