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‘Beyond 5 Senses,’ New Experiential Podcast Exploring the Superpowers of the Senses, Premieres Today Exclusively from Audible via Fresh Produce Media

‘Beyond 5 Senses,’ New Experiential Podcast Exploring the Superpowers of the Senses, Premieres Today Exclusively from Audible via Fresh Produce Media

Listen to episodes HERE


“Beyond 5 Senses,” a new seven-part Audible Original podcast delving into the extraordinary sensory abilities that lie past the traditional “five senses,” is premiering today, May 16th, on Audible via Fresh Produce Media.

Listen to it now HERE

Hosted by neuroaesthetics experts Robyn Landau and Katherine Templar Lewis, each episode of “Beyond 5 Senses” explores a different superpower-like capability of our senses like hearing, smell, and touch that we often overlook, as well as the ways that we do not fully utilize the senses that we do know about.

Through its seven episodes, “Beyond 5 Senses” presents an experiential way to learn about the science behind your senses and well-being, blending real-life stories and interviews with pioneering neuroscientists. It unveils our hidden sensory superpowers, from the therapeutic potential of touch to the transformative effects of music on non-auditory perception, and explains how by tapping into them, we can boost health, creativity, connection, and well-being. Each episode offers a fascinating glimpse into the diverse realm of human sensory experiences and imparts the message, too, that better understanding our differences of perception is key to our “senses” of compassion and empathy.

Katherine said, "We're thrilled to bring Beyond 5 Senses to the public. Our work turns science into experiences, making neuroscience accessible, and giving people tools to curate and enhance their daily lives." Robyn continued, “The senses are unveiling new potentials for how we can care for ourselves, so we designed the show as an experiential wellbeing resource to bring this science to life. Building the neuroscience of sound, storytelling and learning into the production, it expands the power podcasts can have on our wellbeing."

The series was EP’d by Jason Ross and Colin Moore at Fresh Produce Media, and Stacy Creamer at Audible. It was created by Landau and Templar-Lewis, who together are also co-founders of Kinda Studios, a Neuroaesthetics studio which uses neuroscience to demonstrate the impact of art on human connection and wellbeing.

Colin Moore, Chief Content Officer for Fresh Produce Media said, “One of the big takeaways that I learned from Robyn and Katherine in making Beyond 5 Senses is the idea that our bodies are capable of so much more than we realize. Each episode highlights one specific sense, and as Katherine and Robyn state in the series, it all starts with slowing down and listening to our bodies.” 

Read more about the podcast’s seven episodes below. Let me know if you’d like more information or to hear the full podcast audio!


Episode 1: Audition. Stop Hearing, Start Feeling.

Dive into the world of auditory perception as we meet a deaf DJ and explore how sound goes beyond mere hearing to a vibration that can evoke deep emotional responses and connect us to our surroundings on a visceral level.


Episode 2: Interoception. Trust Your Body.

In this episode, we delve into the rising star of our internal senses, interoception. Uncovering how tuning into our body's internal signals can enhance decision-making, self-awareness and emotional regulation and which to one of our guests has been quite literally life-saving.


Episode 3: Olfaction. The Underdog.

Join us as we shine a spotlight on olfaction, our underrated sense of smell. Meet a New York journalist whose loss of smell led to a surprising relationship ending. We dig into the neuroscience of scent revealing its powerful influence on mood, memory, and behavior and its ability to connect us to others, even after they have gone.


Episode 4: Proprioception. I Like the Way you Move.

Explore the fascinating realm of proprioception. We journey with an incredible stunt woman to better understand how our body's internal GPS system shapes our movement, spatial awareness, and sense of embodiment, offering insights into cultivating a deeper connection with our physical selves.


Episode 5: Pain. Retrain Your Brain.

In this episode we confront the complex brain-body sense of pain, investigating how our perception of discomfort is shaped by both sensory inputs and cognitive processes, and offering strategies for rewiring our brain's response to pain for improved well-being.


Episode 6: Touch. Skin Hunger.

Uncover the profound significance of a special type of touch and its soothing properties. We explore how tactile sensations serve as a vital means of communication, connection, and healing, shedding light on the transformative power of human contact in an increasingly digital world.


Episode 7: Synesthesia. Kaleidoscopic Reality.

Journey into the extraordinary world of synesthesia. Explore the neuroscience behind the fascinating phenomenon of when our senses blend, meeting individuals who perceive the world through a kaleidoscope of intertwined senses, offering a glimpse into the colorful tapestry of human perception.



For more information, contact Hannah Schwartz at

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