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David H Wagner Revolutionizes Self-Help for MenWith New Book 'BACKBONE'

Spiritual teacher and meditation expert David H Wagner is on a mission: he's out to help men - all kinds of men - lead happier more powerful lives.



Wagner has a gift for helping people - specifically men - find wisdom and power in their darkest moments and galvanize their strengths on their best days. But don't assume David is a "sensitive new age guy" - he's an all-American Harley-riding father of two who can barbecue with the best of them. After teaching personal transformation, spirituality and meditation for more than 20 years, Wagner is turning his attention on men.

"Modern men have lost their way, they've lost their "thump." In olden times men needed to have honor, they needed to be strong and fearless. Now we have the option of living our lives on the couch or behind the desk. Life is easier for men, but few men are really alive these days. We're a little lost, a little floppy. We've lost our backbones and we need to get them back. It's time."

His debut book 'Backbone' is a transformational self-help guide written in straightforward language that any man can read and relate to. It covers everything from the relationships between fathers and sons to violence, sex, and the pursuit of a deeply conscious life. Some have referred to Wagner's work as "no bullshit spirituality."

Unlike some in the field, Wagner isn't trying to reach the young guys who want to "crush it" in business or get laid more effectively. 'Backbone' encourages readers to be men, not "guys." It's written in an interactive format with "brutal honesty" questions and lays out nine essential practices to cultivate purpose, passion and power. Fans of Joe Rogan or Louis CK will appreciate Wagner's plainspoken wisdom.

"There are plenty of resources for women who want to transform themselves: yoga, meditation, countless self-help books," says the author, "But men don't have an Oprah. Men don't have thought leaders like Marianne Williamson. But it's not that they don't need help. Too many men today are suffering in big and small ways. Even if they're doing okay in business, their hearts are suffering. Even if they're doing well on the outside, they're often shrunken and shriveled on the inside. And when men learn how to rise up and find their thump again, their whole world benefits."

"I want to help all kinds of men to be happier and live better more satisfying lives," says Wagner, "but I want to help them in a way that they can relate to. This book is the first thrust of a whole movement that is going to change the lives of millions of men."

Wagner's been leading retreats, teaching meditation and helping people transform their lives since 1994. Part of his inspiration to now focus on men comes from decades of working with women and hearing their complaints about male counterparts who lagged behind them when it came to their inner life.

"Most men are allergic to the big conversations around purpose, passion, and power because, well, they're usually boring or too far 'out there'," says Tripp Lanier, International Men's Coach and Host of "The New Man Podcast." "David is one of the rare men on this Earth who has the brains, heart, and balls to go deep without losing his sense of humor. He's a modern teacher for wisdom of the ages."

Wagner is a featured meditation teacher on Yogaglo, and serves on the faculties of Kripalu and Omega Institutes. He's often called to talk celebrities, and other successful people, out of jams or guide them spiritually when conventional methods fail. He also hosts "The Whole Manchilada" podcast.

'Backbone' is available in Barnes and Noble stores and on Amazon. Women are encouraged to buy a copy for the men in their life, or read it themselves to gain a better understanding of them.

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