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Duckworth & Dubner Talk Sublimation - And Death - On New Podcast No Stupid Questions

In the fourth episode of the new podcast No Stupid Questions, co-hosts Stephen Dubner (host and co-author of Freakonomics) and Angela Duckworth (psychologist and best-selling author of Grit) explore two questions:

1. Are you sublimating?
2. How would your life be different if you knew you were going to live forever?

Their questions lead to crackling conversations that pull in references to research, literature, philosophy, and history, as they put the clichéd phrase in the title - No Stupid Questions - to the test in every episode. Like Russian nesting dolls, their questions also inevitably lead to more questions. Questions like, in this episode:
* Is Stephen's career as a journalist a form of sublimation (of the Freudian variety, not the solid-to-gas variety) for being shy as a child?
* Why does Angela try to guess when people around her will die?
* Do animals have a cognitive awareness of their own mortality?
* Why are graveyards becoming passé?
* How much of Angela's success stems from a desire to please her father?
* Is your own life like the last M&M on the planet?
* Does all creativity come from pain?

Launched May 18 from Stitcher and available everywhere, No Stupid Questions releases new episodes every Sunday night. Learn more and find links to the new episode at