The New York Times has never been without its critics. Lately, however, the criticism has been coming faster, from both outside and inside the Times newsroom. A recurring complaint is that the paper has sacrificed balance to pursue goals aligned with social justice and play to its generally liberal subscriber base. "Objectivity" as a value is out at the paper of record, the criticism goes, and the Times has changed for the worse. Not so, say its defenders. Yes, the Times has evolved, but in ways that make its journalism more responsive to these tumultuous times, when truth in public life is under assault. By casting a critical lens on the historically disenfranchised, the Times is catching up on stories it should have started telling a long time ago. This, say the paper's supporters, is progress. In light of this divide over one of America's most fundamental and historic sources of news and information, on July 29, nonpartisan debate series Intelligence Squared U.S. debuts a new debate on the motion "The New York Times Has Lost Its Way."
Arguing in favor of the motion are Atlantic contributing writer Yascha Mounk and Newsweek deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon. Arguing against the motion are Los Angeles Times opinion columnist Virginia Heffernan and former CNN Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno.
The debate will be released publicly on Friday, July 30 via public radio, video and the Intelligence Squared U.S. podcast. However, there is a private preview screening on July 29 at 4:30pm ET that will include a live roundtable Q&A with all four debaters following the debate. Media can email for press access.
* Batya Ungar-Sargon, Deputy Opinion Editor, Newsweek
Batya Ungar-Sargon is Newsweek's deputy opinion editor and author of the forthcoming book "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy." The book focuses on the recent shift in media and its effects across the broader democratic landscape.
* Yascha Mounk, Contributing Writer, The Atlantic
Yascha Mounk, a contributing writer at The Atlantic, is an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, who has written extensively about emerging crises within liberal democracies.
* Frank Sesno, Former CNN Washington Bureau Chief
Frank Sesno is the former director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. He is the creator of Planet Forward and served in several roles at CNN, including as White House correspondent, anchor, and Washington Bureau Chief.
* Virginia Heffernan, Columnist, Los Angeles Times
Virginia Heffernan is an American journalist and cultural critic. Since 2015, she has been a political columnist at the Los Angeles Times and a cultural columnist at Wired Magazine.
Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) was founded to address a fundamental problem in America: the extreme polarization of our nation and our politics. Through its award-winning live debates and associated programming, the nonprofit company serves as a model for responsible media in a new age - fair, intelligent, nonpartisan - while restoring critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to public discourse. Recently recognized as "Best Podcast Event of 2020" by Adweek, Intelligence Squared U.S. reaches millions through multi-platform distribution, including public radio (the show airs in all top 25 markets that carry specials), podcasts, video live streaming, newsletters, interactive digital content, and on-demand apps including Roku and Apple TV. With over 190 Oxford-style debates and counting, plus additional podcast and video content, IQ2US has encouraged the public to "think twice" on a wide range of provocative topics for over a decade. Author and ABC News correspondent John Donvan has moderated since 2008.
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For more information on Intelligence Squared U.S., contact Ray Padgett ( or Mark Satlof ( at Shore Fire Media.