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Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates "Obamacare Is Now Beyond Rescue" At Kaufman Center, January 15th

Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) opens its Spring 2014 season with one of the most hotly contested topics of the past year: Obama’s Affordable Care Act. On January 15th, 2014, medical experts and top policy journalists from both sides of the debate will weigh in on the motion “Obamacare is Now Beyond Rescue.” Critics of “Obamacare” were given more fuel for their fire with the disastrous launch of the website. Is this political hot potato's inevitability once again at stake? And is the medical community really on board with the law, or resisting it from the sidelines?

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, practicing physician and former deputy commissioner of the FDA and writer and columnist for Bloomberg View, Megan McArdle will argue for the motion. Political commentator and New York Magazine columnist Jonathan Chait with family physician and former assistant Surgeon General, Dr. Douglas Kamerow, will argue against the motion.

WHAT: Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates “Obamacare is Now Beyond Rescue"
WHEN: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 / Reception 5:45-6:30 / Debate 6:45-8:30 PM
WHERE: Kaufman Center/129 W. 67th Street (bet. Broadway and Amsterdam)/New York, NY 10023
TICKETS: $40 ($12 for students w/ ID). To purchase, visit

The debate will take place in front of a live audience at Kaufman Center in New York City. Before the debate, audience members will vote on the motion; afterward, the audience votes again. The team that moves the most voters to its side will be the winning team in this provocative debate.

Winner of the 2013 Silver Radio Award for Best Public Affairs Program and named one of the "Five Podcasts that Will Change the Way You Think" by Forbes, Intelligence Squared U.S. was founded in New York City in 2006 by Robert Rosenkranz, and has grown into an internationally syndicated series heard and watched by millions. The debates have attracted some of the world's top thinkers, including Steven Forbes, Neal Barnard, Paul Krugman, Karl Rove, Malcolm Gladwell, and Arianna Huffington. With over 80 debates, Intelligence Squared U.S. has encouraged the public to “think twice” on a wide range of provocative topics. Author and ABC News correspondent John Donvan has moderated IQ2US since 2008. The executive producer is Dana Wolfe.

For more information about IQ2US, please contact Andrea Bussell (, Rebecca Shapiro ( or Mark Satlof ( at Shore Fire Media, 718.522.7171