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A Q&A with Meiko

A Q&A with Meiko

What are 5 albums that changed your life?

Fugees- The Score

Edie Brickel- Ghost Of A Dog

Frente- Marvin The Album

Sade- Lovers Rock

Cranberries- No Need To Argue


What are 10 songs you’re listening to right now, or that are inspiring your music at the moment?

These are some new songs I’ve been liking, lately…

Lissie- "Best Days"

Bill Eberle- "Soft"

Ladies Gun Club- "Class Reunion" 

Jade Bird- "Lottery"

Sonia Leigh- "Waste The Day"

Kygo ft. Sasha Sloan- "This Town"

Us- "Ruby Ibarra"

Jenny O- "Case Study"


5 words to describe your new album: 







Can you name a few "aha" moments from your life that set you down the road to music?

A Talent Show in 6th grade when I got a standing ovation for singing Run To You by Whitney Houston, and seeing my dad in the corner (who was supposed to be at work but surprised me) teary eyed in the corner…


How did the idea for this album come about? How did it come to fruition?

I’ve always wanted to make a covers album. The original title for it was Highschool Covers because they’re all songs that I was obsessed with in high school… I was able to join with Chesky Records to make this record I had been dreaming of. Everything was recorded live in an abandoned church in Brooklyn so it was the first time I had been able to make a real uncut live album with my band.


How do you think growing up in the 90’s shaped you?

I felt like it was a very creative time for everyone. Not much internet access besides AOL and Hotmail… I came home and practiced my guitar… No it must be so much harder for kids to chose doing that or sit on their phones for hours.


Can you name a few key life experiences that most shaped who you are?

My grandmother dying when I was 10. She was in a coma for months and remember feeling like if I sang to her, she would wake up. When I mustered up the courage to go back to the hospital, her bed was empty and I never got to try my experiment out. 

My parents got divorced when I was 3 but when I was 12 my mom completely disappeared to start a new life with her husband and her new baby… I was devastated and didn’t end up finding her until I was 24, when I hired a private investigator. I consider her my first heartbreak… and the muse for a lot of my songs.


How is this album an evolution from your last one? 

Well, it’s all live so there was no producer to chop up sounds and add alternative instruments after the recording. It was all done in a day which was really fun and terrifying because wrong notes couldn’t be fixed so we all tried really hard to get the best take of each song so it was a completely different experience. 


How have you grown as an artist in the years since your last album?

Since my last album, before “Playing Favorites”, I’ve become a mom… which has been a pretty major transition. I was still breast feeding at the time of the recording and it was my first time being away from my son for a couple of nights. In the session, I was taking breaks to pump, which made for good conversation with my band. I guess I have also become more confident in who I am and what I’m trying to accomplish with my music, which is just playing things I love and enjoying the ride.


What is the significance of the album title, ‘Playing Favorites’?

I wanted to record all my favorite songs that I loved so much growing up. 


Would you describe ‘Playing Favorites’ as an homage or tribute?

Yes, to all of the songs I loved in High School and inspired me to be a better writer.


Do your own experiences inspire your interpretations of the songs?

All of them have my won interpretation but "Zombie" is probably the one I hold closest to my heart. I’ve always thought of it as a sad song and wanted to play it slow and somber, naturally… and since I recorded it a month before Dolores’ death, it means that much more to me and I hope I did it justice.


What is the most interesting thing about this album to you?

That I was able to hang out with my friends who are also my bandmates. We’ve been friends for years… It was nice to finally do a project like this together.


What did you learn about yourself making this album?

That I am a perfectionist but was forced to embrace to subtle live nuances that aren’t always perfect and can’t be perfected by a producer. That the little dips in the vocals or missed guitar strings in the strum are what makes things real, honest and relatable.


What are your creative spaces — the places where you're inspired to write/create? 

I have my most creative times in the shower lately. They need to make a water proof recording device. I like to stomp and snap and make up songs.. It’s like my very own vocal booth with rain. Super vibey lol.


You were born in Georgia and have moved around a lot since. What was your childhood like and what is your relationship to your home and family like today?

I grew up in a log cabin that my dad built, in the middile of the Georgia woods. I felt very safe and I think that gave me a lot of confidence as a kid. I was also raised by my dad who was single for a while. Not having my mother around made me feel really lonely. Like I was missing out. I had to deal with a lot of jealousy towards other friends and their amazing relationships with their mothers. I wanted so much to be loved like that. I took all of those emotions and started writing poetry at a young age. My dad was/is an amazing father who plays guitar so he showed me that outlet and told me “sometimes your guitar will be your only friend.


Hobbies? Passions?

I’m sort of a Japanophile. Since I am one quarter Japanese on my mother’s side, and raised by my dad, I’ve had this longing to know about this part of me. Luckily I’ve been able to go to Japan with my music but I am still always obsessed with the culture food and fashion. I hope to live there one day…


Do you collect anything?

I used to collect Pez dispensers when I was little… I had about 200… Now, I try not to collect anything for fear of becoming a hoarder.


How do you describe your style?

Bohemian, comfy with one piece of flair. 


What is your favorite place you've ever traveled?

Tokyo. I love Japan so much and even though I’m only 25% Japanese, 100% of me feels at home there and super peaceful and happy. I hope to live there one day.


What is a typical weekend for you?

My husband usually makes pancakes and I lounge around the house playing guitar or listening to records front to back. We also like to go to museums or botanical gardens… Something out and about and celebrate the weekend vibes.