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New York Public Radio Gala Celebrates 20 Years of Radiolab 

Attendees included host Actress Julianna Margulies, This American Life’s Ira Glass, New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, and many more 

Gala raises $1.1 million to support NYPR’s vital work




November 17, 2021 - Last night, luminaries from across New York’s cultural landscape gathered at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan for New York Public Radio’s annual gala.

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Radiolab, one of the country’s top podcasts, attendees included actors Julianna Margulies (hosting the event); This American Life host Ira GlassRadiolab co-hosts Jad AbumradLulu Miller, and Latif Nasserand Radiolab co-founder Robert Krulwich; NYPR President/CEO Goli SheikholeslamiThe Takeaway host Melissa Harris-PerryOn the Media host Brooke Gladstone; singer-songwriter Kishi Bashi; New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson; and more - plus a virtual appearance by country legend Dolly Parton.

New York Public Radio is home to WNYC, Gothamist, WNYC Studios, WQXR, and New Jersey Public Radio. This is the organization’s first gala since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic; it raised $1.1 million to support the organization’s vital and illuminating work.

Highlights of the gala included:

  • Julianna Margulies joking about how roles from E.R. to The Morning Showhave all been building to hosting the gala
  • A surprise virtual toast by country legend Dolly Parton
  • This American Life host Ira Glass honoring Radiolab on its 20th birthday, withRadiolab hosts Jad AbumradLulu Miller, and Latif Nasser accepting the award alongside retired co-host Robert Krulwich.
  • Radiolab listener roast performed by Fresh Air host Terry Gross
  • A live performance from singer, songwriter, and violinist Kishi Bashi.
  • Remarks from NYPR President and CEO Goli Sheikholeslami and NYPR Board of Trustees Chair Tim Wilkins
  • A special performance of original Radiolab scores by members of WQXR’sArtist Propulsion Lab, WQXR’s program to support mid-career musicians and performers during the pandemic.
  • A video tribute celebrating NYPR’s work during 2020-2021
  • A cocktail party where celebrities, WNYC hosts, execs, and donors shared and took photos at a step-and-repeat
  • A parade led by High and Mighty Brass Band marching guests into the ballroom


Select remarks from the presenters:

Julianna Margulies, gala host“I can’t imagine this city existing without New York Public Radio. I can’t imagine my life without it…I listen when I’m walking and I literally plan my family’s drives upstate around the shows we want to hear together. I listen when I’m feeling hopeful. And I listen — really listen — when I’m losing it a bit. Or when I feel like the world is ending — which, let’s be honest, has been a little more often than we’d like lately. In those times especially, tuning in brings me back to the ground — and back to myself. I learn the facts, and I see into the lives of others, and I remember that we’re all human — and at the end of the day, we’re all in this together.”

Goli Sheikholeslami, NYPR President and CEO: “In March of 2020, when New York rapidly became the center of the American COVID epidemic, we at New York Public Radio knew we had a unique responsibility — something only we could offer. Rooted in who we are — and what we do. At a time when we couldn’t enter each other’s homes, the hosts on our airwaves could make their way in, as familiar and trusted voices to keep people company. At a time when people couldn’t tell up from down, we could be a compass. We could deliver straight facts, and get them to people fast. And at a time when our streets had never been so quiet, we could offer beautiful music — creating a space to find solace, meaning, and most importantly — hope. Through it all, we knew we had one guiding mandate to follow: stay strong, and stay by your side.”

Ira Glass, This American Life host: “[Radiolab co-founders Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich] did the rarest thing that happens in any medium. They invented a brand new aesthetic, a new way to make a radio show - this chatty, friendly show that was totally out for fun, but at the same time was sound designed with a sophistication and beauty and complexity no one in radio had ever attempted.”

Sheikholeslami: “It’s no exaggeration to say that Radiolab ushered in a new age of audio. The show started because the team stretched out, and took risks — and because this organization gave them space and support to do it. The world didn’t know it needed Radiolab — or podcasts for that matter — but Radiolab saw into the future, and gave people something they were hungry for.”



With an urban vibrancy and a global perspective, New York Public Radio (NYPR) produces innovative public radio programs, podcasts, and live events that reaches a passionate community of 23.4 million people monthly on air, online and in person. From its state-of-the-art studios in New York City, NYPR is reshaping radio for a new generation of listeners with groundbreaking, award-winning programs including Radiolab, The Brian Lehrer Show, On the Media, The Takeaway, Dolly Parton’s America, Carnegie Hall Live, and Aria Code, among many others. New York Public Radio includes WNYC, WQXR, WNYC Studios, Gothamist, The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space, and New Jersey Public Radio. Further information about programs, podcasts, and stations may be found at

For more information, contact Rebecca Shapiro or Ray Padgett at Shore Fire Media, (718) 522-7171.