Shore Fire Media

Qobuz Invites You To Its Booth At High End In Munich

The Music Platform Presents News From The World Of High Quality Streaming And Downloading

2 Hi-Res-Listening Sessions With The Jazz Drummer Wolfgang Haffner On May 20th


Qobuz invites you to its booth at the internationally renowned audio show HIGH END MUNICH. Here, visitors can learn everything about hi-res streaming and downloading and experience the entire spectrum of the music platform livefrom the new digital magazine to the Qobuz Club. A pioneer of sound quality, Qobuz addresses the needs of those who want to live out and share their passion for music.


On May 20th, Wolfgang Haffner, well-known German jazz drummer and composer, will present his latest album at two Hi-Res Listening Sessions organized by Qobuz. Through this cooperation with Yamaha Music Europe and the label ACT Music, visitors will have the opportunity to listen to the album live and in the presence of the artist in Hi-Res quality, thus experiencing all the benefits of the Qobuz platform. Registration is required to attend the Listening Session.

This year, all visitors will also receive a free download of three tracks by the world famous jazz guitarist Al Di Meolawho is the brand ambassador of High End 2023. In addition, there will be a sweepstakes with exclusive prizes at the Qobuz booth.

Since its creation, Qobuz has been  an ambassador of high quality audio and is considered a pioneer in the field of high-resolution music. 


About Qobuz

Founded in 2007 and a pioneer in high-quality sound, Qobuz is a French music streaming and download platform for anyone who wants to fully experience and share their passion for music. Available in 26 countries around the world, including Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and Japan (for high-resolution download service only), Qobuz offers a range of exclusive editorial content written by a team of experts. With a catalog of over 100 million tracks, Qobuz also has the richest selection of high-resolution (Hi-Res) references on the market. Qobuz is a licensed Hi-Res Audio provider by the Japan Audio Society (JAS). For more information:


If you will be at the audio show, would like to participate in the listening session, need more information, or would like an interview with QOBUZ experts, please contact Hannah Schwartz at Shore Fire Media: