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Hi-Res Streaming and Download Service Qobuz Starts Livestream Series for the Music Lover, "Hi-Fi Curious,” and Audiophile Alike

The place to be on Thursday afternoons if you’re interested in better sounding music, gear, or both

Qobuz, the world’s first Hi-Res streaming and download service, announced today the launch of their new livestream series, Qobuz Live, to give audiophiles and the Hi-Fi curious the inside scoop on the latest in audio, hardware, music, and more.

The livestreams, which have so far featured conversations with Qobuz Chief Hi-Res Evangelist David Solomon and experts from the likes of Mark Casavant from Klipsch and Andy Kerr of Bowers & Wilkins (who will be a returning guest on September 2nd - with big news to share), have attracted thousands of viewers looking to learn more about Hi-Res, get their questions answered, and hear about the latest news and trends in the audio industry.

The conversations occur weekly on Qobuz USA’s Facebook page, and below is the upcoming schedule:

Bill Schnee - Thurs Aug 20th 4p ET 

 GRAMMY-winning engineer/producer known for some of the best sounding albums of the last 4 decades - Steely Dan, Mark Knopfler + more

Martin Logan - Thurs Aug 27th 4p ET

Andrew Lindsey, product development manager talks electrostatic panels and high resolution. 

Bowers & Wilkins - Wed Sept 2nd 4P ET

    With Andy Kerr, Director of Product Marketing & Communications 


David Solomon said of the future of Qobuz Live: “Getting to chat every week with the top experts in audio and Hi-Res is an opportunity to stay on the cutting-edge of what’s happening in our industry, and makes our relationship with our subscribers that much more direct and personal. I look forward to it every week and I promise you’re not going to want to miss some of the guests we have lined up for the fall and winter.”


About Qobuz

Founded in 2007, Qobuz is the premier service for streaming and downloading high-quality music that meets the needs of demanding music lovers and audiophiles. Available in 11 countries in Europe and open in the United States since February 2019, Qobuz offers an exceptional range of exclusive editorial content written by a team of experts. With a catalogue of more than 50 million total tracks, Qobuz also has the largest number of high-resolution (hi-res) tracks on the market, with more than two million in 24-bit FLAC up to 192 kHz. For more information:

For photos and past press releases: Qobuz Press Page