Shore Fire Media

Qobuz and Zappa Records Exclusively Debut Captain Beefheart’s Trout Mask Replica in 24-Bit Hi-Res Today, July 9th

Frank Zappa-produced album arrives in Hi-Res for the first time ever

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Qobuz, the music lovers’ Hi-Res streaming and download provider, has released Captain Beefheart’s Trout Mask Replica digitally in Hi-Res today, July 9th, for the first time ever. You can read more about the iconic album’s legacy, and how such an “oddball masterpiece” made its way to Hi-Res 24-bit streaming, at Rolling Stone here:

The Frank Zappa-produced album, and its Hi-Res premiere on Qobuz, are continuations of the partnership between Qobuz and Zappa Records that began earlier this year. In March, Zappa Records, UMe, and Qobuz announced the release of nine Frank Zappa titles in Hi-Res exclusively on Qobuz.

At the time, Ahmet Zappa, representing Zappa Records, said: “Qobuz’s awesome combo platter of Hi-Res Audio and the ability for fans to immerse themselves into the album art of their favorite musicians is an incredible listening experience and a perfect fit for Zappa Records. As far as I’m concerned, the ‘z’ in Qobuz stands for Zappa and we know fans of the ‘World's Finest Optional Entertainment’ are going to love the Zappa Qobuz experience. As FZ said: ‘Music is the Best!’"

And now, regarding Trout Mask Replica, he has added: “Captain Beefheart is and always will be one of my favorite musical heroes. It brings me intense 'platypus'-filled happiness to have Trout Mask Replica finally available in hi-res for everyone's digital enjoyment.”

Trout Mask Replica will be available exclusively on Qobuz for four weeks beginning today, and joins a wide range of other premier content on the platform: Hi-Res downloads, longform essays, album reviews, and liner notes that can’t be found on any other streamer. This unique content, on top of 24-bit/96kHZ music available for both streaming & download, makes Qobuz the unparalleled choice for music lovers looking for a best-in-class listening experience. 

Earlier this year, Qobuz and Christian McBride teamed up to put out Qobuz’ first-ever original exclusive, the Q Sessions EP.

Dan Mackta commented on the release of Trout Mask Replica in Hi-Res, and the continuing partnership with Zappa Records: “Trout Mask is a legendary album from an iconic artist, and Qobuz is beyond proud to have been chosen to premiere it’s re-introduction to the world in previously unavailable Hi-Res quality. Don’t forget to check out the digital booklet!”


About Qobuz

Founded in 2007, Qobuz, a pioneer of high-quality sound, Qobuz is the French music streaming and download service that meets the needs of demanding music lovers and audiophiles. Available in 18 countries around the world, in Europe, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, Qobuz offers an exceptional range of exclusive editorial content written by a team of experts. With its catalog of more than 70 million tracks, Qobuz also has the richest choice of high-resolution (Hi-Res) references on the market. Qobuz is the only multi-genre platform to achieve Hi-Res certification— - a label awarded by the Japan Audio Society (JAS). For more information: 

For more information on Qobuz, contact Hannah Schwartz or Mark Satlof at Shore Fire Media, (718) 522-717.

For more information on Zappa Records, contact Jeff Newelt