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Qobuz teams up with jazz label ACT Music for Christmas 

Qobuz teams up with jazz label ACT Music for Christmas 

An exclusive compilation gets you in the mood for the magical season: from interpretations of devotional folk songs to groovy crooner hits

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November 29, 2023 - Qobuz, the leading high-quality music platform, is launching an exclusive Christmas collaboration with renowned jazz record label ACT Music. The collaboration includes an exclusive compilation entitled "Christmas in the Spirit of Jazz". Compiled exclusively for Qobuz, ACT Music presents the highlights of its Christmas catalog on a total of twelve tracks - from interpretations of devotional folk songs to groovy crooner hits. The festive compilation is available now in Hi-Res 24-bit for download and streaming on Qobuz. There is also a discount on all ACT Christmas/winter albums for download. 

A musical journey of discovery of familiar and new jazz hits.

The tracklist includes artists who have been shaping the ACT label for many years and have already released successful albums, including around the festive season. The well-known jazz musician Nils Landgren marks the beginning. His Christmas with my Friends album series has been delighting all Christmas enthusiasts since 2006 with a total of eight editions. There are also titles with more swing from the Jazzrausch Bigband from Munich, who have already made a name for themselves in recent years with their albums Alle Jahre wieder! (2022) and Still! Still! Still! (2019) landed hits. The Austrian folk song "Es wird scho gleich dumpa" or "Süßer die Glocken nie klingen" can be heard in an electric guitar version. The compilation is rounded off with other high-caliber acts such as the ensemble Echos of Swing, Danish jazz singer Janne Mark, and Austrian pianist and keyboard player David Helbock. 

The selection of the compilation underlines Qobuz's vision of sending its listeners on musical journeys of discovery and also offering a platform to lesser-known artists in Germany. 

The tracklist includes the following 12 titles: 

1. In Dulce Jubilo (Nils Landgren)

2. A Child is Born (David Helbock)

3 Es wird scho gleich dumpa (Jazzrausch Bigband)

4. Snow (Echoes of swing)

5 O Tannenbaum (Nils Landgren)

6. Winter Wonderland (Echoes of swing)

7. Open Wide the Door (Jazzrausch Bigband)

8. Comin' Home for Christmas (Nils Landgren)

9. Sweeter the Bells Never Ring (Jazzrausch Bigband)

10. Vinter (Janne Mark)

11. O, Helga Natt (Nils Landgren)

12. Ave Maria (Nils Landgren)


Jazz - one of the most important genres on Qobuz

Jazz has been one of the most important genres on Qobuz since it was founded. One of the things that sets the platform apart from its competitors is its affinity for this style, which otherwise tends to receive less attention in the mainstream (radio, charts, etc.). Lovers of jazz particularly appreciate the variety of tracks on Qobuz. 

Jazz is the 3rd most streamed genre (after rock and pop) on Qobuz and is the 4th most downloaded genre after rock, pop, and classical music (9% of download purchases are jazz albums; 14% of streams are jazz repertoire). Among German Qobuz users, jazz is in 2nd place in terms of streams (after rock) with 16%. 

About Qobuz

Founded in 2007 and a pioneer in high-quality sound, Qobuz is a French music streaming and download platform for anyone who wants to fully experience and share their passion for music. Available in 26 countries around the world, including Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and Japan (for high-resolution download service only), Qobuz offers a range of exclusive editorial content written by a team of experts. With a catalog of over 100 million tracks, Qobuz also has the richest selection of high-resolution (Hi-Res) references on the market. Qobuz is a licensed Hi-Res Audio provider by the Japan Audio Society (JAS). For more information:

For more information on Qobuz, please contact Patrick Nitti ( at Shore Fire Media.