Comprised of Max Vehuni and Benji Cormack, slenderbodies have toured with Milky Chance, Mura Masa, Passion Pit, and PVRIS and recently announced their Lollapalooza debut. The duo produce, write, and play guitar on all their songs—melding the three skills into... genre-blurring, emotionally impactful experiences unlike any other, striving to create moods & worlds through highly eclectic, surreal indie pop.
They are set to embark on their headlining ‘Komorebi’ tour this Fall, making stops in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Atlanta and more. Full tour routing below.
Praise for slenderbodies:
"dream-pop duo wanting to create new worlds with their music" – Wonderland
“a dynamic pairing, their production skills are aligned to a stunning melodic sense, entirely concise and wonderfully infectious” – Clash
“carved out their own niche in today's mass-produced pop landscape.” – PopDust
“A perfectly indescribable mirage of downtempo, indie-pop, folk, and electronic sonics” – Ones To Watch
For more information, please contact:
Nina Lee | nlee@shorefire.com | 718.522.7171