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The Art Students League Announces Annual Instructors Exhibition 2020

The Art Students League Announces Annual Instructors Exhibition 2020

Today, the Art Students League of New York announces their annual Instructors Exhibition (October 1st-October 31st, 2020), a tradition they’ve held since the late nineteenth century. Notable teachers who have taken part in this historic tradition include Peggy Bacon, Thomas Hart Benton, William Merritt Chase, and Robert Henri. This year’s exhibition, which is virtual, features nearly 100 of The League’s diverse faculty and reflects the broad range of approaches and techniques of these contemporary artists.


Featured Artists Include: Sigmund Abeles, Elizabeth Allison, Anthony Antonios, Arslan, Garin Baker, Bill Behnken, Martha Bloom, Peter Bonner, Leonid Brener, Frederick Brosen, Jeff Buckland, Michael Burban, Sherry Camhy, Naomi Campbell, Paul Ching-Bor, Dionisio Cimarelli, Susan Cirigliano, Timothy J. Clark, Janet Cook, Sylvie Covey, Augustine Boyce Cummings, Mariano Del Rosario, Jon DeMartin, Amy DiGi, Lisa Dinhofer, Harvey Dinnerstein, Bruce Dorfman, Cliff Dufton, Ellen Eagle, Nicholas Evans-Cato, Henry Finkelstein, Marilyn J Friedman, Michiyo Fukushima, Christopher Gallego, Oscar Garcia, Leonid Gervits, Dan Gheno, Max Ginsburg, Peter Golfinopoulos, Dean Hartung, Marshall Jones, Silya Kiese, Gregg Kreutz, Stephen Lack, Ronnie Landfield, Haksul Lee, Leonid Lerman, Michele Liebler, James Little, Eric March, Margaret McCann, Mary Beth Mckenzie, Dominique Medici, Donna Mitchell, Yasumitsu Morito, Ricky Mujica, Jill Nathanson, Frank O'Cain, Paul Oestreicher, Karen O'Neil, Richard Pantell, Dana Parlier, Joseph Peller, Michael Pellettieri, Larry Poons, Peter Reginato, Edmond Rochat, Ephraim Rubenstein, Doug Safranek, Seiji Saito, Wendy Shalen, Rhoda Sherbell, Robin Smith, Sharon Sprung, Anne Stanner, Natsuki Takauji, Kamilla Talbot, Dan Thompson, Thomas Torak, Bennett Vadnais, John A. Varriano, Costa Vavagiakis, Gregory Lyde Vigrass, Richard Weinstein, Amy Weiskopf, Jerry Weiss, Deborah Winiarski, Greg Wyatt, and Jason Bard Yarmosky, 

Technical Instructors Include: Technical Instructors: Montserrat Daubon, Chin Yin (Alfie) Katz, Tomomi Ono, and Mayumi Takagi



The League was founded in 1875 by students breaking away from the National Academy of Design. That independent spirit remains at The League today, where students pursue their work unconstrained by dogma, politics, or burdensome tuition. We educate students in the language and process of making art in an environment where anyone who wishes to pursue arts education can realize his or her full potential. The League fulfills this mission by offering affordable, high-quality education and instruction in painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and assemblage. Artists who have studied at the League include Georgia O'Keeffe, Norman Rockwell, Jackson Pollock, Robert Rauschenberg, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, James Rosenquist, and Ai-Weiwei, among others.